Friday, October 12, 2012

The Laws of Kemp


The Laws of Kemp

1. No war - all problems can be solved reasonably and do not require excessive or extreme fighting.

2. No violence -violence leads to crimes and therefore creates an uncivil environment. Violence also leads to radical behaviors and disorder

3. No illegal/ unprescribed medication or substances - drug abuse leads to unintentionally incidents such as automotive accidents due to hindered depth perception and can also lead to crime.

4. Only clean and renewable energy may be used - nonrenewable energy and smog causes unclean air and will damage the environment. Smog also has the potential to cause acid rain which can lead to deforestation.

5. Everyone is assigned one community job which rotates weekly - jobs such as picking up garbage around the streets, working at shelters, and repairing roads and buildings ensure that the village will stay clean and safe. It also teaches responsibility.

6. No hunger/ starvation - Everyone is entitle to food and should not be allowed to go long periods of time without any access to food or water.

7. Plant 100 trees per year - Planting 100 trees per year ensures that the resources which are used on a regular bases are replaced and never run out.

8. Everyone is taxed 15% across the board and there are no tax breaks - Taxing 15% across the board makes sure that everyone is paying a fair amount of money to the government. No one should be allowed to pay more or less of their income.

9. Jobs are available to everyone - Everyone who is in need or in want of a job should have access to one. If no jobs are required at the time, small business owners are still required to higher and make room for another employee.

10. No one  is able to make more that $150,000 a year per person - Money is power. This law limits a person from gaining too much power in society.

11. No more than 3 acres of land can be owned by a single person or unit living together unless owning a farm - This law prevents too much land being controlled by a single person which also limits them from gaining too much power in the society.

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