Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Name of Utopian Society

The Founding Of Kemp's Village
      Kemp's Village was founded by four people, two guys, and two girls.  Mike Searles, Karin Plante, Stephanie Poly, and Ethan Pollak. We chose to make it a village instead of a town or city because a village is more community based and so everyone knows each other and can get along well. We also wanted to be separate from outside unfairness's, crime and other governments so we can make our own perfect society. The independence, crime free, and responsible society we've built will stay strong for these reasons.

 The name of our Utopia is Kemp's Village and the meaning to the word Kemp's is all of our initial(s).  (K) Is for Karin, (e) is for Ethan, (m) is for Mike, (p) stands for Poly, Stephanie, or Stephanie Poly. 
Mike, Karin,Stephanie,Ethan

Monday, October 15, 2012

Declaration of Independence

Declaration of Independence

     "When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."

     We, the founders of Kemp, have broken off from the normal American society and formed, in our minds, a perfect society in which all may prosper. The traditional society is corrupted in beliefs and actions and we, as the founders of Kemp, have worked to develop our own laws and morals which would fix the current society. Our grievances with current civilization are as follows. The law force sees acts of violence as below the theft or fraud of individuals dealing with large investments at multimillion dollar corporations. Taxation of the people is very uneven and unfair in the sense that those with a higher income are able to make major tax breaks for themselves, allowing them to pay a lower percentage of taxes then people with a lower income. This allows the wealthier to keep more of their money and forces the people with a lower income to pay more in taxes. This goes against the actual laws of American society in which the more money a person makes, the higher percentage of taxes they must pay.  The current society also does not have jobs available to all those who want one. Multiple people are unemployed and job offers are rare, and multitudes of people are inappropriate for the jobs which they occupy.

     Kemp's Village was created as an enclave within Vermont. Its separation from normal society has allowed a utopia to form, perfecting the laws and goals of traditional civilization.The grievances which we have presented are no longer applicable in the newly formed Kemp's village. The society is community based and emphasizes a strong effort towards clean energy. We forbid all acts of violence and criminal behaviors and respond with the appropriate disciplinary actions. The taxation of all citizens in the village is 15% across the board and tax breaks are forbidden and considered illegal. Further more, jobs are available to everyone. By law, anyone who is in need or want of a job has access to one. If there is no need for new jobs in the community, prospering businesses are required to make room for another employee.

"And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor."

Stephanie Poly, Karin Plante, Michael Searles, Ethan Pollak 

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Utopian Motto And Seal

Our Seal shows how beautiful a place can be in Nature if you leave it untouched by human industrial works. It exhibits an almost-surreal environment, but it's not a dream. It is where our people live peacefully with each other and Nature.

Our Motto "Harmony in Nature, strength in Community" reflects our community as a whole, we live peacefully in nature, taking from it, but also giving back to it so we have a clean cycle. We have strength in community, which separates ours from any others. We are very proud of our community, and our inhabitants live by this motto.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Kemp's Village Animal

A Snow Leopard represents strength and freedom. It travels alone symbolizing independence but is still seen a predator and strong in nature. Our community is also free and independent from society which is the equivalent to an animal's  pack. Our society also has a strong community and unwavering system. Although the Snow Leopard is native to the mountains of Central Asia, it still represents that Kemp's Village is located in a northern, snowy area.    

Friday, October 12, 2012

The Laws of Kemp


The Laws of Kemp

1. No war - all problems can be solved reasonably and do not require excessive or extreme fighting.

2. No violence -violence leads to crimes and therefore creates an uncivil environment. Violence also leads to radical behaviors and disorder

3. No illegal/ unprescribed medication or substances - drug abuse leads to unintentionally incidents such as automotive accidents due to hindered depth perception and can also lead to crime.

4. Only clean and renewable energy may be used - nonrenewable energy and smog causes unclean air and will damage the environment. Smog also has the potential to cause acid rain which can lead to deforestation.

5. Everyone is assigned one community job which rotates weekly - jobs such as picking up garbage around the streets, working at shelters, and repairing roads and buildings ensure that the village will stay clean and safe. It also teaches responsibility.

6. No hunger/ starvation - Everyone is entitle to food and should not be allowed to go long periods of time without any access to food or water.

7. Plant 100 trees per year - Planting 100 trees per year ensures that the resources which are used on a regular bases are replaced and never run out.

8. Everyone is taxed 15% across the board and there are no tax breaks - Taxing 15% across the board makes sure that everyone is paying a fair amount of money to the government. No one should be allowed to pay more or less of their income.

9. Jobs are available to everyone - Everyone who is in need or in want of a job should have access to one. If no jobs are required at the time, small business owners are still required to higher and make room for another employee.

10. No one  is able to make more that $150,000 a year per person - Money is power. This law limits a person from gaining too much power in society.

11. No more than 3 acres of land can be owned by a single person or unit living together unless owning a farm - This law prevents too much land being controlled by a single person which also limits them from gaining too much power in the society.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Governing Body

Governing body of KEMP
The government of KEMP's village is a modified republic. It is led by elected leaders that do not hold their power status on any problem beyond the control of the people living in the Utopia. The leaders answer to the general population which has the power to vote the representatives in or out of their elected positions. Our government also includes a list of checks and balances within the government, no one can have too much power.

At the top of the government is a mayor, a mayor serves for two years before a new election is held. The mayor's job is to make sure the community runs smoothly. The mayor supervises the community safety director to make sure that the director does his job.

The next rank of government is the selectman, who can create new rules that are needed in the community. There is a vote for a new selectman every year. The selectman supervises the board of health.     
The next job title is the Community Safety Director, who's job is to make sure that the society does not conflict with itself and helps promote a happy environment. There is a vote for a new Community Safety Director every year. The Safety Director supervises the Mayor.

Lastly, there is the board of health committee, who makes sure living conditions in the village are sanitary and livable. There is a vote for a new health committee every year. The board of health supervises the Selectman.

Every citizen has the right to vote or run for a position once they reach the age of 16. 

Our utopia makes decisions with the community's ideas first, everyone has a say in every topic.

Invitation to friends


Dear Rob,
Our village, Kemp's village is a tranquil society. We are wondering if you would care to join our prosperous home. It is community-based. All members are paid and treated equally. Our home resides in Vermont which is full of many resources, such as trees and water. Our majestic Utopia is green and full of clean sources such as windmills, solar panels, and hydroelectric dams. We feel strongly about a good education so all kids grow up to be intelligent. We take pride in our forest environment by teaching kids how the use the trees in an optional one-of-a-kind lumberjack class(elective). All kids and adults are required to do community service after school or work. One choice is lumber-jacking so that we can use the wood for paper and houses. It also clears up the forests for farm land,industry,housing complex,etc. Since we live in the snowy state of Vermont, and that we are a strong community, our animal is a snow leopard. We have a fair government that understands the wants and needs of our community and gives us these. We can last isolated from the outside world until the end of time. We have everything we need, shelter, food, people, resources, and education. We make money off logging, and other simple businesses. We also have more complex businesses, such as, engineering, teaching, EMT, police, firefighting, art, writing, etc. We our unique in every way. Out superiority is massive compared to surrounding Utopias. One way that we are at the peak of greatness is that we are intelligent beyond average. Another way is that we keep an enormous amount of peace and tranquility. We hope you consider joining Kemp's village because you will not regret it.


       Thank you,
Karin Plante, Ethan Pollak, Stephanie Poly, and Michael Searles 

Monday, October 8, 2012

Journal Entry (1)

December 29, 2012

      The sun was shining bright on Mount Kemp but it was not very warm.  The skies were clear, although the temperature was about 9 degrees Fahrenheit.  I was dressed with ski pants over my sweatpants, a ski jacket over my sweatshirt, my snowboarding boots on, a winter hat on my head and my backpack over my back.  I saw many other people there from Kemp's Village out enjoying the nice view from the top of Mt. Kemp and enjoying a nice day of fresh slopes.  My friends Kiley, amp; Kathryn and I arrived at the mountain at around 10:30 am.  We went up to the Cabin Cafe at the top of the mountain and had coffee and breakfast sandwiches and hit the slopes at 11:15.  We started by going down the 2nd easiest slope and and then eventually worked our way up to the hardest slope by around  1:15.  Kathryn is on skies of her own, and Kiley and I are using snowboards of our own.  After we did the hardest slope we took the lift back up to the top to the Cabin Cafe.  We had sandwiches and soups and drinks with our meals. After enjoying our nice meal it was about 2pm and we had about 3 and a half hours left in our day to ski.  We went back out to the slopes and started racing down the mountain on different slopes. We left at 5:30pm on our snowmobiles and we all met up at the Village Diner for some dinner and then after at about 6:30pm Kathryn and Kiley left to go back to their houses and I went a separate way back to mine.  I enjoyed this day a lot and I am sure that they did as well.  Mount Kemp is a great day of fun.
                                                                                                        -Mike Searles.

Journal entry (2)

March 31st, 6:30 a.m -Today is March 31st, the 3rd anniversary of the creation of KEMP'S village. I am the Community/Safety Director in the village and today I will be planning all the events to make sure the festivities run smoothly without any incident. 

I have planned to have 20 people working grills for free food for everyone in our community, and all of the people have accepted the opportunity. Today during school, all the children will be collecting wood, and sticks for the giant bonfire that will last all week long. Some adults will be assisting them in this task, while community officials will set up games and other activities for the community to participate in together.

March 31st, 9:00 a.m - Everything is going well, we have food, games, and community bonding that is ready to happen. I am preparing a big speech for the community for the voting and announcemnt of our new mayor.

March 31st, 12 a.m -  Students just got out of school, a bit earlier than usual, they will have a nice, long four day weekend. Everyone is starting to arrive in the center of town for my speech about the creation of the village and it's brief history.

March 31st, 12:30 - Everyone is now in the center of town. My speech went well and after I lighted 3 firecrackers to symbolize 3 years, the party began. 

March 31st, 1:00 - Everyone over the age of 16 years old in the village was summoned to the town hall to vote for the new mayor while the kids played around in the fields.

March 31st, 2:00 - It is time for lunch, every person is given their choice of a hotdog, hamburger, or cheeseburger. I took a cheeseburger and ate it quickly to get people moving to the next activity.

March 31st, 3:00 - It is now time for families to build a house out of a tarp and sticks for their week long stays around the firepit in the center of town. This activity is a lot of fun, especially for the younger kids. 

March 31st, 4:00 - It is time for every adult to grab a log from the wood pile and engrave their personal wish for the year on it. 

March 31st, 5:00 - All the children now have grabbed their sticks to engrave one of their wishes on it, the fire will be lit shortly. 

March 31st, 5:30 - It's dinner time; tonights dinner is special. We have a variety of rarities offered. Some of the big hits were freshly baked bread, strawberries, roast beef, and a smoke pig. 

March 31st, 7:00 - It is time to announce the results of the mayor vote, they've been counted, and re-counted many times. Everyone gathers around the pile of wood created for the fire. Each of the four candidates take a very long stick with their name engraved into it to add to the fire pile and put it in the four corners of the fire to make a teepee-type fire. The government officials also take a long stick and fill in the spots between the four sticks.

March 31st, 7:30 - I went up to the stage made of wood to announce the winner of the race. I gave a speech about the first mayor and he joined me upon the stage. Everyone fell silent as I was about to reveal the person's name. The new mayor's name was announced, John Keith - Congratulations to you John. John came up to the stage and shook the old mayor's hand, and then mine. I held up his hand and said, "ladies and gentlemen, your new mayor!" Everyone in the crowd bowed with respect. John gave a speech thanking everyone and everyone went back to their stick homes they made earlier around the fire.

March 31st, 8:00 - It is now time for the ceremonial lightning of the fire by the new mayor. He went up to the podium and added his own personal item to the very top of the fire pile, the item is unknown to everyone. He lights the fire and everyone claps hysterically. The ashes of this fire will later be used to spread over farmland to make it fertile, according to legend it will carry everyone's individual wish with it to be grown in the food. 

March 31st, 9:00 - Many of the kids have gone to bed and parents are sitting rejoicing, and warming up by the fire.

March 31st, 10:00 - My day is done for now. But I will shortly have to plan events for the rest of the weekend. 
-Karin Plante 

Journal Entry(3)

Dear Diary,
          It always is an honor teaching at the Kemp's Village "Ivy League" High School. At 6:00 I wake up, take a shower, brush my teeth, and get dressed. Next I eat a small heathy breakfast, usually yogurt with fruit, and a small glass of orange juice. Then I do some last minute packing and leave at 6:50. I then walk to the school in about a half hour. I then arrive at school where I chat with some fellow high school staff members for an hour. Then at approximately 7:40, I get ready for a full day of teaching for an hour and forty minutes. At nine, my first class comes in. I teach a mixed class of sophmores and seniors AP English. Next at ten, I have a short English department meeting for the English teachers that are on the 2nd floor. At eleven, I teach a freshman class CPS English. Then at twelve I teach Honors English to a class of juniors and seniors. When it's one o'clock I eat lunch and go home until three when I due "study hour" duty. Finally when school is over I then go home to work on the plan for the next day. I then go to the Kemp's Gym and work out at 7 until 8. At 8 I go home, shower and change. At 8:30 I eat dinner and watch my favorite cop show. At 9 I brush my teeth and go to sleep at 9:15.

                        Mr. Dubstep

Friday, October 5, 2012

Daily Itinerary


Typical 9th grader's Schedule