Monday, October 8, 2012

Journal entry (2)

March 31st, 6:30 a.m -Today is March 31st, the 3rd anniversary of the creation of KEMP'S village. I am the Community/Safety Director in the village and today I will be planning all the events to make sure the festivities run smoothly without any incident. 

I have planned to have 20 people working grills for free food for everyone in our community, and all of the people have accepted the opportunity. Today during school, all the children will be collecting wood, and sticks for the giant bonfire that will last all week long. Some adults will be assisting them in this task, while community officials will set up games and other activities for the community to participate in together.

March 31st, 9:00 a.m - Everything is going well, we have food, games, and community bonding that is ready to happen. I am preparing a big speech for the community for the voting and announcemnt of our new mayor.

March 31st, 12 a.m -  Students just got out of school, a bit earlier than usual, they will have a nice, long four day weekend. Everyone is starting to arrive in the center of town for my speech about the creation of the village and it's brief history.

March 31st, 12:30 - Everyone is now in the center of town. My speech went well and after I lighted 3 firecrackers to symbolize 3 years, the party began. 

March 31st, 1:00 - Everyone over the age of 16 years old in the village was summoned to the town hall to vote for the new mayor while the kids played around in the fields.

March 31st, 2:00 - It is time for lunch, every person is given their choice of a hotdog, hamburger, or cheeseburger. I took a cheeseburger and ate it quickly to get people moving to the next activity.

March 31st, 3:00 - It is now time for families to build a house out of a tarp and sticks for their week long stays around the firepit in the center of town. This activity is a lot of fun, especially for the younger kids. 

March 31st, 4:00 - It is time for every adult to grab a log from the wood pile and engrave their personal wish for the year on it. 

March 31st, 5:00 - All the children now have grabbed their sticks to engrave one of their wishes on it, the fire will be lit shortly. 

March 31st, 5:30 - It's dinner time; tonights dinner is special. We have a variety of rarities offered. Some of the big hits were freshly baked bread, strawberries, roast beef, and a smoke pig. 

March 31st, 7:00 - It is time to announce the results of the mayor vote, they've been counted, and re-counted many times. Everyone gathers around the pile of wood created for the fire. Each of the four candidates take a very long stick with their name engraved into it to add to the fire pile and put it in the four corners of the fire to make a teepee-type fire. The government officials also take a long stick and fill in the spots between the four sticks.

March 31st, 7:30 - I went up to the stage made of wood to announce the winner of the race. I gave a speech about the first mayor and he joined me upon the stage. Everyone fell silent as I was about to reveal the person's name. The new mayor's name was announced, John Keith - Congratulations to you John. John came up to the stage and shook the old mayor's hand, and then mine. I held up his hand and said, "ladies and gentlemen, your new mayor!" Everyone in the crowd bowed with respect. John gave a speech thanking everyone and everyone went back to their stick homes they made earlier around the fire.

March 31st, 8:00 - It is now time for the ceremonial lightning of the fire by the new mayor. He went up to the podium and added his own personal item to the very top of the fire pile, the item is unknown to everyone. He lights the fire and everyone claps hysterically. The ashes of this fire will later be used to spread over farmland to make it fertile, according to legend it will carry everyone's individual wish with it to be grown in the food. 

March 31st, 9:00 - Many of the kids have gone to bed and parents are sitting rejoicing, and warming up by the fire.

March 31st, 10:00 - My day is done for now. But I will shortly have to plan events for the rest of the weekend. 
-Karin Plante 

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