Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Governing Body

Governing body of KEMP
The government of KEMP's village is a modified republic. It is led by elected leaders that do not hold their power status on any problem beyond the control of the people living in the Utopia. The leaders answer to the general population which has the power to vote the representatives in or out of their elected positions. Our government also includes a list of checks and balances within the government, no one can have too much power.

At the top of the government is a mayor, a mayor serves for two years before a new election is held. The mayor's job is to make sure the community runs smoothly. The mayor supervises the community safety director to make sure that the director does his job.

The next rank of government is the selectman, who can create new rules that are needed in the community. There is a vote for a new selectman every year. The selectman supervises the board of health.     
The next job title is the Community Safety Director, who's job is to make sure that the society does not conflict with itself and helps promote a happy environment. There is a vote for a new Community Safety Director every year. The Safety Director supervises the Mayor.

Lastly, there is the board of health committee, who makes sure living conditions in the village are sanitary and livable. There is a vote for a new health committee every year. The board of health supervises the Selectman.

Every citizen has the right to vote or run for a position once they reach the age of 16. 

Our utopia makes decisions with the community's ideas first, everyone has a say in every topic.

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