Monday, October 8, 2012

Journal Entry (1)

December 29, 2012

      The sun was shining bright on Mount Kemp but it was not very warm.  The skies were clear, although the temperature was about 9 degrees Fahrenheit.  I was dressed with ski pants over my sweatpants, a ski jacket over my sweatshirt, my snowboarding boots on, a winter hat on my head and my backpack over my back.  I saw many other people there from Kemp's Village out enjoying the nice view from the top of Mt. Kemp and enjoying a nice day of fresh slopes.  My friends Kiley, amp; Kathryn and I arrived at the mountain at around 10:30 am.  We went up to the Cabin Cafe at the top of the mountain and had coffee and breakfast sandwiches and hit the slopes at 11:15.  We started by going down the 2nd easiest slope and and then eventually worked our way up to the hardest slope by around  1:15.  Kathryn is on skies of her own, and Kiley and I are using snowboards of our own.  After we did the hardest slope we took the lift back up to the top to the Cabin Cafe.  We had sandwiches and soups and drinks with our meals. After enjoying our nice meal it was about 2pm and we had about 3 and a half hours left in our day to ski.  We went back out to the slopes and started racing down the mountain on different slopes. We left at 5:30pm on our snowmobiles and we all met up at the Village Diner for some dinner and then after at about 6:30pm Kathryn and Kiley left to go back to their houses and I went a separate way back to mine.  I enjoyed this day a lot and I am sure that they did as well.  Mount Kemp is a great day of fun.
                                                                                                        -Mike Searles.

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