Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Invitation to friends


Dear Rob,
Our village, Kemp's village is a tranquil society. We are wondering if you would care to join our prosperous home. It is community-based. All members are paid and treated equally. Our home resides in Vermont which is full of many resources, such as trees and water. Our majestic Utopia is green and full of clean sources such as windmills, solar panels, and hydroelectric dams. We feel strongly about a good education so all kids grow up to be intelligent. We take pride in our forest environment by teaching kids how the use the trees in an optional one-of-a-kind lumberjack class(elective). All kids and adults are required to do community service after school or work. One choice is lumber-jacking so that we can use the wood for paper and houses. It also clears up the forests for farm land,industry,housing complex,etc. Since we live in the snowy state of Vermont, and that we are a strong community, our animal is a snow leopard. We have a fair government that understands the wants and needs of our community and gives us these. We can last isolated from the outside world until the end of time. We have everything we need, shelter, food, people, resources, and education. We make money off logging, and other simple businesses. We also have more complex businesses, such as, engineering, teaching, EMT, police, firefighting, art, writing, etc. We our unique in every way. Out superiority is massive compared to surrounding Utopias. One way that we are at the peak of greatness is that we are intelligent beyond average. Another way is that we keep an enormous amount of peace and tranquility. We hope you consider joining Kemp's village because you will not regret it.


       Thank you,
Karin Plante, Ethan Pollak, Stephanie Poly, and Michael Searles 

1 comment:

  1. i likeyou letter to friends, it was very convincing and made me want to go to a place like this
