Monday, October 8, 2012

Journal Entry(3)

Dear Diary,
          It always is an honor teaching at the Kemp's Village "Ivy League" High School. At 6:00 I wake up, take a shower, brush my teeth, and get dressed. Next I eat a small heathy breakfast, usually yogurt with fruit, and a small glass of orange juice. Then I do some last minute packing and leave at 6:50. I then walk to the school in about a half hour. I then arrive at school where I chat with some fellow high school staff members for an hour. Then at approximately 7:40, I get ready for a full day of teaching for an hour and forty minutes. At nine, my first class comes in. I teach a mixed class of sophmores and seniors AP English. Next at ten, I have a short English department meeting for the English teachers that are on the 2nd floor. At eleven, I teach a freshman class CPS English. Then at twelve I teach Honors English to a class of juniors and seniors. When it's one o'clock I eat lunch and go home until three when I due "study hour" duty. Finally when school is over I then go home to work on the plan for the next day. I then go to the Kemp's Gym and work out at 7 until 8. At 8 I go home, shower and change. At 8:30 I eat dinner and watch my favorite cop show. At 9 I brush my teeth and go to sleep at 9:15.

                        Mr. Dubstep

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