Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Name of Utopian Society

The Founding Of Kemp's Village
      Kemp's Village was founded by four people, two guys, and two girls.  Mike Searles, Karin Plante, Stephanie Poly, and Ethan Pollak. We chose to make it a village instead of a town or city because a village is more community based and so everyone knows each other and can get along well. We also wanted to be separate from outside unfairness's, crime and other governments so we can make our own perfect society. The independence, crime free, and responsible society we've built will stay strong for these reasons.

 The name of our Utopia is Kemp's Village and the meaning to the word Kemp's is all of our initial(s).  (K) Is for Karin, (e) is for Ethan, (m) is for Mike, (p) stands for Poly, Stephanie, or Stephanie Poly. 
Mike, Karin,Stephanie,Ethan


  1. i thought whoever wrote this did a great job explaining the founding of their village!! Great Job!!!
